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Compelling Question:


How can teachers use technology in order to effectively prepare their students for global learning and understanding?



The New Literacies and Global Learning program has given me an opportunity to explore my teaching from a new perspective.  I have always been proud of my technological knowledge, content knowledge, and my pedagogical knowledge.  The question that I set out to discover about myself while in this program was, “How can teachers use technology in order to effectively prepare their students for global learning and understanding?”


A part of my standard IV evaluation in North Carolina discusses the importance of using a variety of instructional methods, as well as integrating and utilizing technology within the classroom effectively.  The same standard focuses on helping students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.  To me, the inclusion of these three skills encompasses my purpose within this program.  I wanted to know how to use technology more effectively and purposefully, especially in the 21st century. 


This graduate program taught me how to integrate my skills into what is commonly know as TPACK, or technological pedagogical content knowledge.  I have learned how to integrate authentic learning opportunities into my classroom by using technology in ways that encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and an understanding of global issues.  My students create videos to help each other learn, participate in twitter chats about current events with students in different classrooms, and design public service announcements to promote awareness of human rights’ violations around the world.  I feel confident that this showcase will show that I have accomplished my goal and offer strategies that other teachers can use to help ensure that their classroom integrates technology effectively to facilitate the creation of a class milieu focused on global awareness. 

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